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How to Stay in Love with Jesus through Prayer

It's easy to fall in love, but can you stay in love?
Staying in love with Jesus requires daily surrender and simply spending time with Him through prayer. It doesn't have to be a fancy, long prayer. God honors any prayer that's in alignment with His will. What you pray in your secret place will strengthen your daily relationship.
Here are 4 ways to stay in love with Jesus through prayer:
1. Decide to pray
Decide to speak to your Heavenly Father. Talk to Him throughout the day. And have confidence that He hears you and you already have what you've asked of Him (1 John 5:14-15).
2. Pray out of desire, not obligation
Talking with God is a wonderful, marvelous thing. Do it because you get to, not because you have to. Trust that the Spirit will give you strength and pray through you (Romans 8:26).
3. Pray God's will, not your own
Even Jesus prayed for the cup of wrath to be removed from Him, but He prayed God's will be done, not His (Matthew 26:39). We now understand that it's not our life, but our life belongs to Jesus and He lives through us as we live through His Spirit (Galatians 2:20).
4. Be humble
Humble yourself before God, and He says He will exalt you (1 Peter 5:6). God honors and answers a humble heart in prayer.
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