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Blog of Faith

Sep 19, 2023

Are you REALLY Filled With The Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit convicts us with sin & allows us to grow in God!   Put your faith in Christ & ask God ...

Sep 14, 2023

Why You Need To Forgive According To The Bible

Unforgiveness is drinking poison thinking the other person is suffering.   The person you haven’t forgiven isn...

Sep 12, 2023

Why The Bible Says Do Not Love The World

World means a godless society.   A society without God. You're either under the reign of Lord Jesus.. or th...

Sep 7, 2023

How To Activate The Anointing - 5 Keys

Jesus was anointed. Christ means 'anointed one'   & Jesus needed to be anointed with the assignment He ...

Sep 5, 2023

How To Overcome The Flesh As A Christian

We CANNOT cast out the flesh, we must crucify it!   18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing go...

Aug 31, 2023

How To Be In Christ Jesus

There’s a price to pay to be a follower with Jesus.   In order for us to do this, we MUST walk with Jesus. ...

Aug 29, 2023

Decisions That Bring The Right Relationships & Community

he more we study truth the more we are sanctified and the renewing of the mind takes place.   "And you shall ...

Aug 24, 2023

Who You Are In And Through Christ Jesus - Part 4/5

The importance of proclaiming who you are in Christ allows us to live a secure life in Christ. Fill yourself u...

Aug 22, 2023

How The Holy Spirit Renews Our Mind

The Holy Spirit changes us from the inside out.   When you have the Holy Spirit…   Worldly music won’t so...

Aug 17, 2023

Who God Intended For His Children To Be - Part 3/5

The enemy wants to alter the original design of God over our life. He is both an imitator & a deceiver. ...

Aug 15, 2023

The Truth About Spiritual Maturity As A Christian

Spiritual maturity is when you can still love & forgive when someone is attacking you with their words.   ...

Aug 10, 2023

5 Benefits To Knowing Who You Are In Christ - Part 2/5

There's benefits to being a child of God. There's benefits to loving & serving God.   There's benefits ...
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